DAY 16

#LightTheWorld Day 16 – Jesus Showed Compassion

Jesus Christ was infinitely more caring and compassionate than any other being this world has ever seen. It felt really good to focus on this attribute of Christ and try our best to emulate Him today.

  • Today, we only left encouraging and positive messages on social media.
  • We prayed for opportunities to be compassionate towards others.
  • As a family, we donated some money to a GoFundMe account we noticed on Facebook. My parents had previously sent each of our girls $5 which was to be used to serve someone else. When we saw this GoFundMe being shared on social media, we explained what was going on to the girls and decided to match their contributions to the account.

Two weeks ago, we ended up in an emergency room with our 5 day old son. He was having seizures and difficulty breathing. We have been on an unexpected journey with our newborn, Owen. He was transported by ambulance to St. Lukes in Boise where he could receive the best treatment possible. Owen was diagnosed with bacterial meningities. He has a rare form of bacteria, enterobacter. He has been through a lot in his short 2.5 weeks of life. He is on 3 different medications for seizures, had a breathing tube for 5 days, and 2 medications for meningitis. His body is having trouble regulating everything. It is a lot for such a tiny baby. He is taking all his feeds through an NG tube in his nose.

Yesterday, we found out that the infection has taken over 3/4 of our sons brain. He had brain surgery today to remove some spinal fluid, and get a biopsy of the brain tissue. We will know results next week, and the doctors will reassess our treatment plan. As of right now, Owen has a neurologist, an infectious disease doctor, an occupational therapist, a dietician, a geneticist, and 3 intensivists'(critical care doctor) who have cared for him.

We are unsure of the cost for all of Owen’s medical expenses. This is a trying time for our family. We are devoting our time to our sweet baby, and doing all we can to help him get better. We appreciate your willingness to help us in this time of need.

Please see our blog for daily updates.

As a parent, it is so hard to watch your children suffer, and I can’t imagine anything worse than what this family is going through.

Published by Hayden Coombs

Communication professor interested in a little of everything. My passions include: sports, journalism, human communication, parenting and family, teaching, academia, religion, politics, higher education, and athletic administration.

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