#LightTheWorld Day 7 – Jesus Fed the Hungry “And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.” -Matthew 14:19 So, today’s “LightContinue reading “DAY 7”


#LightTheWorld Day 2: Jesus Honored His Parents For the second day of the “Light the World” initiative, Summer and I both called our parents to express our gratitude and love for them. Our girls also got to FaceTime both sets of grandparents. Avery and Reese love their grandparents more than pretty much anyone or anything in theContinue reading “DAY 2”


#LightTheWorld – Day 1: Jesus Lifted Others’ Burdens For the first day of the #LightTheWorld initiative in which we are participating, our little family got to focus on providing a service for others. A few of the highlights included: I guest-lectured a comm theory class for a colleague who was not able to attend class.Continue reading “DAY 1”


This Christmas season, my family and I will be participating in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ “Light the World” initiative. According to a blog post on, the purpose of this movement is: In an increasingly dark world, we can be a bright light to those around us and a shining example ofContinue reading “#LIGHTTHEWORLD”


Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World, by the Dalai Lama teaches core principles of compassion, tolerance, and justice. From an ethical stand point, this is one of the most important books for modern day communications. As the world continues to grow and each of us are subject to different cultures, beliefs, and reasoning, itContinue reading “BEYOND RELIGION”


The night before my first day of teaching at Southern Utah University, a single thought caused me enormous amounts of anxiety: “What if I don’t like teaching?” Teaching at a university has been my only real plan for the past few years. The opportunity to teach was the main reason why I chose SUU overContinue reading “TEACHING SURPRISE”


Summer and I recently learned that some good friends of ours gave birth to a perfectly innocent, stillborn baby. It broke our hearts to hear the news. I can honestly say there is nothing that frightens me more than losing Avery. As we talked, we recalled our first pregnancy, which ended in miscarriage. I knowContinue reading “THE BEST DAY”