Lately I have been promoting and pressing a lot of material from other sites. There are a few reasons why I’ve this has been a theme lately, which will actually be a theme of a blog post in a few days. Anyways, I’ve been going through some of my old files and trying to locate digital versionsContinue reading “NBA DEVELOPMENT”


2001 Actual Draft 2001 Re-Draft 1.       Kwame Brown2.       Tyson Chandler 3.       Pau Gasol 4.       Eddy Curry 5.       Jason Richardson 6.       Shane Battier 7.       Eddie Griffin 8.       DeSagana Diop 9.       Rodney White 10.   Joe Johnson 11.   Kedrick Brown 12.   Vladimir Radmanović 13.   Richard Jefferson 14.   Troy Murphy 15.   Steven Hunter 16.   Kirk Haston 17.   Michael BradleyContinue reading “2001 NBA RE-DRAFT”


The 2000 NBA Draft is widely-regarded as the worst NBA draft class ever. I recently tried to “re-draft” this awful class, and let me tell you, it was exhausting. In the coming weeks, a few of the better basketball minds I’m surrounded by will be re-drafting the last 15 years of NBA Drafts with me.Continue reading “2000 NBA RE-DRAFT”